Gujarat Informatics Limited (GIL) Senior Manager (GSWAN) List of the Candidates for the Written Exam: The following candidates are invited for the written test of the Sr. Manager (GSWAN) (Advt No; GIL/201718/2) If applicant is not listed in the below list, applicant may submit their representation with necessary document at Gujarat Informatics Limited, Block No ;1, 8th Floor, Udyog Bhavan, Gandhinagar, on or before 5th March, 2018 up to 1500hrs, then after any representation for the same will be not consider. Scheduled for the written exam of Sr. Manager (GSWAN) will be published on OJAS very soon, the syllabus for the same is already uploaded on OJAS for your ready reference. Shortlisted Candidates will be called for the personal interview, schedule of the interview will be inform to shortlisted candidate. At the time of interview candidate is required to furnish documentary proof original and Photo copy with self-attestation for qualifications, certifications, professional experience (copy of work experience letters from various employers with whom candidate has worked in the past & proof of last salary drawn will be considered). Candidate will be allowed to appear in the personal interview, Only after Successful verification of the documents